You’re a Goddess!

Inspired by different deities from around the world

Tiamat- was a beautiful goddess that was the mother and protector of dragons.

Hecate was the extraordinarily beautiful Greek goddess associated with magic, trickery, the night moon, crossroads and mystery. She is often seen with her wolves that patrol the night with her.

Hel: Originally the name of the world of the dead; it later came to mean the goddess of death.

Magwayen: The goddess of afterlife and the first ocean deity, according to Visayan mythology. Known for being the goddess who collects souls and takes them to Sulad with her boat

The Norns: The three goddesses of fate ….Verdandi Urd and Skuld.

 The Morrigan: Irish Celtic Crow Goddess. Her name translates to “great warrior queen” or “phantom queen”. She was a shape-shifter and looked over the rivers, mountains and lakes.

Chloris: Goddess of flowers and grasses that lived on the islands of the blessed manipulating nature and adorned by flowers, vines and leaves.